May 28, 2007: Jamestown, ND
Chris White and I left early Monday morning with the intent on targeting west of Aberdeen up to the area of the Missouri River. Upon arrival and lunch in ABR we saw that the RUC had changed from no CIN to a very large cap over that entire area. The options at the time were still to head to the river or north to I-94 (Jamestown). In the interest of getting home while it was still dark out, we chose Jamestown. When we got there we happened across Andy and his group including Stuart Robinson and Tim Marshall. We watched the clouds get thicker and higher, when suddenly around 6:15 PM they simply vanished. We headed east and then north to catch the echos and small towers that were going up, but they we never able to sustain themselves. Eric's clown car of chasers tracked us down to say hi, then we took off and got home around 1:30 AM. We did however pick up 3 ticks. I think I'll keep some warmup pants in the trunk just in case from now on.
Miles: 750
Raindrops: 0
Time Lapse of a tower going up and down:
Towering Lapse (1.2 MB WMV)

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- Tony Perkins