July 19th, 2006, Northwest IA

What was supposed to be a good risk day turned into nothing during the daylight hours. I rode with David Drufke and we ended up in George, IA after meeting up with Bill Doms. We waited and played some cross highway tennis before packing it in and starting to head east towards home. We stopped in Spirit Lake for a drink, and emerged later to see lightning to the north. By now it was tornado warned, but it was dark enough to for me not to get too irked about not being there. What we did see was lots and lots of lightning. I almost got a headache from the constant strobe effect of it.

Video grabs of going by some windmills. They had a spooky look in the lightning like it was a background from a horror film.

Here's a short video of the constant lightning with the windmills in the frame.

We drove right by a small town I moved away from 20 years ago off Hwy 18. Hi Everly!

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